Purchase your inReach from TrackMe NZ and get free connection worth $69 and we do all the setup for you. Offer expires 28/2/2025

TrackMe NZ Remote Connections and Safety

Connection Plans


You can buy & connect your GARMIN, SPOT or ZOLEO device through TrackMe NZ.

Find out More about our plans and what makes us different.

The TrackMe Difference



Shop Devices

Online Store

Shop the latest devices from GARMIN, SPOT, ZOLEO And more in the online store.

TrackMe NZ Devices and services

Want something else, contact us.


TrackMe Pro+

Remote Workers

TrackMe NZ Pro+ Cellular and Satellite combined solution. Industry leading remote worker safety systems with coverage anywhere your workers go.

Choose from our Monitored Pro services and devices.


Hire from TrackMe NZ

Hire forms

Hire Satellite phones, GARMIN inReach, SPOT Trackers, GARMIN accessories inc the Xero Chronograph.

Starlink hires also now available.

You can hire devices through this link

Event Tracking hires

Book Event

Hire satellite and cellular trackers for your next big event.

Get great coverage and visibility with our world class tracking pages.

Live Tracking here

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